Dear Reader A Peak in at my Writing Process Sometimes I'm at my computer writing - at my desk in the office or on the couch in front of the fire. When open Scrivener and scroll to my next chapter, I know there'll soon be an addition to my word count - I aim for between 500-750 words per session. Hopefully, if it's my next memoir, I'm telling my story in a way that is interesting to you (the reader), has a theme you can identify with, and gives you a glimpse into the elements of my life that...
17 days ago • 5 min read
Dear Reader Age - is it really "just a number"? And what does that even mean? I have to admit, that until now I would have agreed. I would say that I am not defined by how many years I've lived. I'm told I'm in relatively good health "for my age". But now as I approach another birthday, I'm wondering about this quote. I have to admit the older I get: the more ideas and plans I generate. I currently have about 5 writing projects on the go - and so many more that keep popping into my head. the...
about 1 month ago • 5 min read
Dear Reader Should I buy ice-cream ... Or is it still too cold to savor the frozen, creamy treat? At the supermarket today I stood for a few seconds in front of the freezer and decided "No. Not yet!" And my mind slipped back to 60 years or so - was it really that long ago? Seems like yesterday that I could hear those sounds we loved! The clip clop clip clop of the horse’s hoofs and the cling clang of the bell that heralded the ice cream man on his weekly visit! The Ice-cream 'van' -...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader Winter Chills turning into Spring I think I'm almost better and recovered from weeks of this "Devil Cold" that's been plaguing what seems to be the majority of us this winter. I do hope none of you are down with it too. And those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, enjoy your summer and get plenty of immunity stored in your body to help you bypass what might be aimimg for you next winter. As much as it's been a frustrating time, not being able to get moving and out in the garden...
about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Dear Reader Waking Thoughts I woke up this morning with thoughts running through my mind that I am burning to share with you. I left school at 15 but I didn't leave my love of learning behind. When we moved to New Zealand in 1978, the opportunity was there for me to attend university. I'll be forever grateful for the New Start programme (as it was called then). The programme invited those who left school before qualifying to enter university to undertake a short course to see if the study...
2 months ago • 4 min read
Dear Reader An Amazing Journey I am just about recovering my thoughts after a whirlwind trip to Aussie with Suraya. I gave a shout out to her in the June 11 Newsletter. This week I want to share that her pitch was chosen and she was awarded a grant of $50,000 to progress her business idea! Suraya O'Brien - Founder/designer at Flow Riders Before I share what it was like for me to be there as she presented her pitch to the judges, I'd like to seek your help in helping her achieve the next step:...
3 months ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader A Different Look I have heard from a few of you that there is something amiss with the graphics in the newsletters. So I've taken out the variation of colour and hope that this plain background colour will prove sufficient to give a softer viewing experience, and keep the text in view! If you've had problems in the past, it might be because you are using Outlook - it seems to be a common factor. Let's see how this new format works for everyone. An Update for Suraya's Project I...
3 months ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader Congratulations! I am humbled and cheered by the evidence I see all around me of the resilience and strength people display during the struggles facing us all as we navigate our way through life. Sometimes, though, I look at someone's success and cheerfulness in their triumph and forget that there's no such thing as an "overnight success". Success comes through nver giving up, through facing each seemingly insurmountable challenge head on, through putting on a brave face even...
4 months ago • 4 min read
Dear Reader A Reader's Story I love to hear your stories! And I was thrilled to be given permission to share this grandmother's story shared by a fellow creative at our Book Club last Thursday. Below is a photo of her grandmother. Grandma Gillin Grandma Gillin was a pioneer of the Women's Institute in Bruntwood, Ontario, Canada. In November 1964, she was due to give her 'motto' for a long life. Unfortunately she was taken ill and was in hospital where she wrote her thoughts which became a...
4 months ago • 4 min read